Recent content by cbzdel

  1. cbzdel

    FedEx = Failure

    cant you just go pick it up in person? I do that all the time here with my UPS and FedEx
  2. cbzdel

    Got a ticket...

    So is there a problem with my contesting RCW 46.37.200 which I was written up for? Reading though it, it sounds like I am not breaking any law.. So the judge would have to know what the DOT regulations for motorcycle turn signals are and re-write the ticket? I can always buy turn signals...
  3. cbzdel

    Got a ticket...

    So basically go in there and all I need to say is. First I maybe should ask if the judge even knows what an integrated tail light is? If not inform him? Then state, I have researched RCW 46.37.200 which I was ticked for, for having an integrated tail light. And it specifically states...
  4. cbzdel

    Got a ticket...

    I am really just thinking of telling the judge I never would have expected them to be illegal because so many local riders, I would say 6 out of 10 street bike I see have them so I actually really was surprised when I was ticketed. I went home to look online to buy some new blinkers when I...
  5. cbzdel

    Got a ticket...

    For the federal law, I never knew it existed, until someone on another forum told me about this: I am guessing its DOT guidelines?
  6. cbzdel

    Got a ticket...

    Just wanted to post it up on here.. Got pulled over by a state trooper last month.. He came back with a ticket for $124 which states: RCW: 46.37.200 - Defect turn signal/stop lamps/no turn signals/integrated tail light. He tells me they are not legal in WA... Part of RCW 46.37.200...
  7. cbzdel

    Dropped my bike today

    clutch control is the most important IMO at very low speeds. I hardly use the throttle at low speeds, I just clutch out slightly and it pulls enough power to keep me moving. Also dont be afraid to keep your feet down if you dont feel safe moving at slow speeds, its better to look like a...
  8. cbzdel

    noise after tire swap?

    I will def. check out the alignment of the chain again. I almost want to hop on my bike on the stand and rev it up and see if I get the same noise :eek: Oh come on I can trust my harbor freight stand right :D
  9. cbzdel

    noise after tire swap?

    It could be, that what I could not be sure about, since my last tires did not have this sound. I let the bike run up on the stand and it sounded normal, the chain seemed a little louder than normal, but maybe its all in my head?
  10. cbzdel

    noise after tire swap?

    Came out of work to a flat rear tire with a screw in it :eek: Trucked the bike home, took off the rear wheel and took it into cycle gear for a new tire. I decided on a Dunlop Q2 170/60. Not my tire of choice but my section was VERY limited and this is my daily rider so I needed it fixed...
  11. cbzdel

    FZ6R Sightings

    Seen a white/pink FZ6R on I90 going though the Kent, WA area yesterday about 2:30pm. They had on a white jacket on, black riding pants, an, definitely a female rider. This rider deserves to have their license taken away, 100% SQUID!!! I was next to them (driving my car) and all of a sudden...
  12. cbzdel

    What Not To Wear (while riding)

    Another from me :eek:
  13. cbzdel

    Thinking of a new bike....

    edit, I also wanted to add, with these rebels, I was reading they have had the same design FOREVER so if you kill the motor you can just pick up another bike for $1000, swap motors and part it out :thumbup:
  14. cbzdel

    Thinking of a new bike....

    So the wife wants to learn how to ride, finally! She is not learning on my bike, its my only transportation! So i was thinking about getting her a used Ninja 250.. But then got to thinking we live in WA, it rains all the time, why waste money on something I am positive she will wide maybe...
  15. cbzdel

    Scratched Fairings.

    after I hit 5000 I figured it was a lost cause, it just kept getting worse.. Now I just dont wash the bike anymore, it looks better dirty than shiny and scratched haha!
