Wedding Idea


New Member
Here is a question for everyone.. Me and the Fiance have been planning a wedding.. We wanted something small and simple, pretty much family only. We knew for our honeymoon we were taking a cruise to Alaska which we have both wanted to do.

Wait, lets just get married on the cruise and save on the cost of the wedding! Smart idea huh, thats what we decide on.. We go tell me whole side of the family and they love it, they are excited and ready to go!

We go tell her family and her parents say this "That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard" I ask why, as the lady is about to cry! They say its not practical. I say we are not made of money so we are combining a few things. They say bull $hit we offered to help pay. I said I didnt want their money and we want to do things our way and I would appropriate them understanding. They then say if you dont get married in their family church (the church their family has attending for 100+ years) then we are not attending.

So now the lady runs out of the place in tears. We talk, we dont know what to do.. Neither of us want a traditional church wedding, but we want her family to attend...

Any advice guys?? This is putting alot of stress on the both of us, we plan everything out for OUR wedding and people still complain about being invited..
:thumbup::thumbup:Here is what you need to remember...Its you and your fiances' choice. You should not worry about making everyone happy. Focus on your selves. My wife and I went to the court house and saved a boat load of money. If neither of you want a big wedding then don't have one. The rest of the family will get over it. If you go on the cruise and have the wedding on the cruise then the people who join you will have a great time, the people who don't join you... too bad for them. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Congrats to you and your fiance. :wav:

You and I should hook up for some rides.:thumbup:
:Im With Stupid:

I completely agree. This is you and your fiancée's wedding and ultimately it will be up to you guys to decide what's best for you. You will not make everyone happy, and there's no use in trying. On my wedding day, just moments before the ceremony was to start, my sister through the biggest b!tch fit ever, protesting my marriage. She said I was throwing my life away, blah blah blah...etc. Now 4 years later, she is modeling for my wife's photography business. She got over it, as most people will.

One last piece of wisdom, young grasshopper. If you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one.

Remember the cardinal rule: The marriage is for you, the wedding is for everyone else. Not that this is helpful in your situation, but if the wedding is the important part for you, take their money, get married in their church and do it all after the quick courthouse ceremony that only you guys and your closest friends know about.

If the wedding is not the important part for you, tell them that you appreciate their offer and you would REALLY love to have them there, but they should respect that you need to start your marriage off with something that represents you, not them.
