Throttle Control


Admin of Socks & Puppets
that is some interesting stuff.... very thought provoking .... I do not usually think that process through so thoroughly thanks for sharing
Its really really cool if you read his book. You probley know that 40/60 weight balance frt/rear is best in a cornor. Just moving your throttle a few millimeters can transfer 150 lbs frt/rear. What happens if you let off in the middle?
What happens if you stay on?
What happens if you rap it open then off?

i'm on the 3rd chapter now. its already made me aware of so much. i'm still scared stiff of too much speed. I was riding with a guy on a suzuki 600 and when we both got out of a right turn, it became a straight and he got on it, then i dropped to 5th and opened the throttle. i was going so fast, that the car way way out ahead of me suddenly was rushing upon me so fast i almost crapped my pants. I used my 2 finger brake cover to squeeze 2 times in short pulses and bled off my speed fast enough to pass safely. bad judgement on my part, with adrenelin from the guy on the suzuki, i did though, smoke him. after the fact, i was never in any danger, i mean if i still kept the throttle open yeah, i'd be dead. but the gap wasnt that bad, it just suprised me how fast that little yammy can go.
