The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

After that I work on 4 different machines.

First one is like doing bench press but on a sitting position. I do 3x15 straight foward and 3x15 upwards. (I alternate between them totallying 6x15)

Sounds like bench press and shoulder press. Can vary the incline of the bench, or try your hand at dumbells (dunno how bad your back is).

Second I go to a pulling/row type of machine. The handles come from the top on a diagnoal (like a 11:00 o clock position) I do 3x15 pulling sideways (like a Y position with arms) and 3x15 of a straight foward shot (if I was passing a basketball on reverse).

These are Wide grip lat pull down and seated row. Change the grip width (to shoulder width, or narrow grip), and the rotation of your grip (palms facing you, palms neutral, palms facing away from you). Same can be done with the seated row.

Third I go to a stand up machine wich I do biceps 3x15 (the handles come from the ground) and triceps 3x15.

These could be done with dumbells. Triceps have many alternatives to do, including bench dips, skull crushers, "eccentric" push-ups (only if regular push-ups cannot be done, work on going slow on the down movement - 3-5 second count) with elbows tight to body.

Forth I do leg press with little weight just to get legs moving.

Change weight, or attempt lunges. Lunges are easy on the knees (when done properly) and back, and work quads and butt. They're their own movement pattern, very functional and good for increased athleticism. Also get heart rate up better. You can do stationary lunges to start, if your balance is good then try walking lunges.

There are many more movements you can introduce, but see how 4 weeks go with the exercises you're doing, increasing the weight 5lbs each week for the upper body movements and 10lbs for lower body. You should have a "de-load" week after that to give your body and mind a break.

Basically the key to not plateauing is changing something small weekly. Either reps, sets, weight, or a combo of these, with an exercise change up every 4 weeks. Doesn't have to be hugely different either, just different enough. Like changing grip on the pull downs.

As you can proooobably tell....I love this s*** lol.
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How's the planks going and goat bags going?

Guess I should post an update...Been following Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program. If you haven't heard of it and you want to go beast mode strong then I suggest you look him up. Because he will make you feel like a wimp. He's a no BS kinda guy and I love it.

Anywho. Same time last year my 1RM Deadlift was 255lb. All time record at that point was 275lb. Fast forward to this year, staying consistent with the weight training, and introducing 5/3/1 9 weeks ago, I have not tested my 1RM again. But it's safe to say...I've gotten stronger:

Pulled 260lbs for 17 reps in a row this week, and pulled 280lb for 10 the week before. Estimated 1RM is around 400lb.

And my bench went up too. 1RM last year MAYBE 115lb. Now I bang em out at 150lb.

Best part about it is...after changing my diet in the new year I'm 150lb. Down 14lb since last year.

Strong is where it's at fellas.
5ft 8.

here's a recent pic. Don't mind the rooky party.


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that's a great weight to be at and your pushing some good #'s aka lbs lol

anyhow have you checked your body fat percentage recently?

No, and I don't plan to because I know how inaccurate the measuring tools are.

I go by measurements, the fit of my clothes, and whether or not I can see a six pack lol.
lol all depends where you keep your fat. I don't keep it on my abs, and my muscles make the six pack shape. Some abs just don't do that.

We all got our spots of fat, which isn't the worst thing ever :)
Although if I didn't keep it where I do I'd get a lot fewer cat calls...which does get old very quickly.
Sorry, the pic wasn't supposed to be so big.

April is being a rough month for me, allergy season. I can't even function right. My bronchitis acts up and I can't breath, so working out and motorcycles are out of the question until may. :(
Cool helpful thread.:thumbup: I've lost 30 lbs from April to July and that's with adding a little muscle, I'm 6' 1 went from 246 to 216. For my diet I cut out all processed foods and only drink water (and coffee) As far as exercise I workout with dumbbells and alternate sprints /jogging/and walking.


Well dudes, updates since it's been about a year...

Prefacing all this with I don't use lifting straps or back belts. Just chalk and core stiffness for me.

November I pulled #340 as a new 1RM on my Deadlift. Got #365 off the ground to a hover but didn't want to risk the blown disc so I set it back down lol. I was weighing in around 165 at that time.

Also increased my overhead press to #105...felt very nice to finally break the triple digit barrier. Had to work out sticking points and asymmetrical pushing by using supersets with unilateral presses in between my barbell heavy pressing.

Bench I haven't tested a 1RM but I've been doing 5x5 at #125 this past month, so PR's regarding reps for me.

Pullups and chinups are being repped out for more than 5 per set (6 and 8 respectively)...that's a great feel.

Since the winter I'm down to 154, down inches all around since the same time last year too but have gotten stronger since then so I'd say things are going well lol. Nice to feel more like an athlete and not just a lifter.
