Sept 2010 Meetup

Thanks everyone for letting me blow out your eardrums. I enjoyed it.
We must do a PA run sometime. Hopefully before it gets to cold for an all dayer.
Either day works for me.

If we do ride rt 125 it is a long haul for some of you to get there but definitely worth it if you love twisty roads. I will try to post up a video later of 125.

Below is a short video from yesterdays ride.

[ame=]YouTube - FZ6R VA Meetup[/ame]
Just a short clip of one turn on 125. If you do come up to ride 125 don't ride it like this guy following me did!

125 is a great ride. People come from all over PA to ride it. The best part is that you don't run into much traffic which is the problem we had on rt 9.

If we have a decent number of people coming we cook burger on the grill at my place or something after the ride. I live right on 125.

[ame=]YouTube - Offroading.M4V[/ame]
The best part of that video is the fact that the guy and his girl managed to keep the bike upright the entire time. Oct 9th or 10th is fine for me. I think it may be better if we meet on Saturday that way people that have a long ride can have a recovery day before the work week. Either day is fine for me though.
