Rain Ride - Rear Wheel Slide


New Member
Had a little scare today...

was taking off (slowly) from a stop sign, hit a patch of wet from the light drizzle we had this morning... back tire started to slide back and forth.

honestly i don't know what i did to make it stop swerving, though i am glad i did (whatever it was).

this being my only mode of transport, i would LOVE to be able to LEARN how to correct this slide.

tips? i did not like the :eek: feeling of my butt-hole puckering so early in the AM.
Yeah I think that's the best approach. I was at the stop light and started to go and I guess I gave it too much throttle because the cross walk white line made my black wheel slide a little bit. I just eased off and managed to get traction back

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You're not supposed to chop the throttle. Meaning don't let completly off. And definitely don't hit the brakes. The correct way is to either ride it out at a steady throttle, or let off slowly. That's a hard thing to do when your fear instinct is to chop the throttle. So it's something to practice if you think you can safely do so.

i may have instinctively rode through it.

i think i may also be taking the dirt course at some point... to get used to the feeling and idea that slides aren't death if handled right.
Yes like Marthy said. Painted areas,manhole covers, tar strips, all slippery when wet. Easy does it in the wet. Ride safe and have a good time!
