New Video, Two Bros exhaust in action


New Member
ooo that sounds real good


New Member
:thumbup: that's unfair, my itch just got bigger. :( if only i had the money to buy this exhaust, but i know something new or even better will come out. i just need to hold back and wait. :drool: hahaha


Looks and sounds great! I am trying to save for another bike so Im done modding at the moment :(


New Member
What are you saving up for? You getting rid of your "R"?


Staff member
Looks and sounds great! I am trying to save for another bike so Im done modding at the moment :(

We just got started! Don't you go turning your back on us now! :eek:


What are you saving up for? You getting rid of your "R"?

No way, Ill keep this bike awhile. I kinda want a cruiser to compliment this one, I rented a harley while in vegas last month and fell in love with its comfort for long trips for both my wife and I. Not saying a harley, but something along those lines as she doesnt want to be on the back anymore, she wants the controls!


New Member
Vstars have a nice low COG and seat, so does the VTX1300 but that may be bit big for the wife (it's heavy, almost 700 lbs )


Id love to lower this one a bit and let her ride it, she is only 5'-1"

Cant flat foot anything!


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How much work is it to put this exhaust on? Is it pretty much bolt up since it's headers and all? No fabrication? Only because I'm low on tools since my garage was broken into a few years back and only have the basics right now. It'll probably be down the road a bit after I get the bike. But exhaust is #2 on the list of upgrades. (FE kit is #1 ;) )

This exhaust install is a breeze, as long as you don't get the header pipes out of order. :rolleyes:

All you need is a ratchet and sockets, and some allen wrenches. It would be nice if you had a bike stand to lift the bike, but it can be done without. If I hadn't mixed up the header pipes, I would have had it done in under 2 hours with simple and basic hand tools.


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Elite Member


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You've only got a few more days to make Christmas in July. Better tell the elves to put a rush delivery on it. :D


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How much work is it to put this exhaust on? Is it pretty much bolt up since it's headers and all? No fabrication? Only because I'm low on tools since my garage was broken into a few years back and only have the basics right now. It'll probably be down the road a bit after I get the bike. But exhaust is #2 on the list of upgrades. (FE kit is #1 ;) )

Hi there. It can be put on with your basic wrenches and socket set, no fabrication is needed. When mine was shipped, they already had the header and collector pieces assembled, so it was a bolt on and go affair.

It took me not much time at all to pull off the old system and install the Two Bros. Maybe a couple of hours, it's not difficult at all! :)

Check out my install in THIS link to see pictures of how it went on. Scroll down a little on that page and you will see my posts.


New Member
I love my TBR system. It sounds great at any point of the ride, slowing down, accelleration, I have nothing but praise for it. did I mention the power increase! I have also been able to manage popping wheelies with and without the slip of the clutch, and peoples heads are turning.....
