my turn 2


New Member
just returned to riding after 20 plus years off the bike
some of my shames
back in 1984, i happily took delivery of first honda interceptor 750cc v4 in my town. headed out from the shop for a test ride at my favourite stretch of twisties near house and after a couple of corners lay the bike over for the first hairpin and lost the front end and the bike lowsided across the road -- only took half an hour to scratch my pristine new red, white and blue honda! no real damage aside from some fairing scratches and bent gearshift lever. found out later, the shop had injected well over 45ps into the front tyre!
year later, on the honda, hit a longggg patch of diesel on a downhill sweeper, slid across the road, bum hit kerb and dislocated pelvis -- spent next two months on my back in hospital under traction! like valentino rossi said -- i found i had a great affinity for morphine..... bike was written off.
recently got back to biking and bought a ducati ST -- dropped it twice because i couldn't handle the weight within half a day of the second drop (leaving a petrol station), had traded it in for the yamaha xj6s! now it feels like i'm riding again -- it's a great bike. p.s great people on this forum too!
Wow, maybe a 250 in the future?

xjs perfect

Wow, maybe a 250 in the future?

lol ---- i'll stick with the xjs -- got everything needed for street riding and touring for me 'cos i'm just a little guy -- 65 inches tall (or short) and 145lbs. . actually i overestimated my physical condition when i got the duke. you forget just how physical it is riding a bike. so i have been going to the gym for the past three months, three times a week to rebuild the old body. also underestimated how much rust had built up in two decades of non-riding. the duke spoke italian while i spoke another language...haha. couldn't even do the boxstep together . anyway with the xjs we have progressed beyond that and occasionally when the mood takes over, we can actually tango -- and that's a lot of fun, 'cos i want to come home from every ride with a big smile on my face.
i got a few pic and i'll load em up shortly. cheers everybody
