Man... again...


New Member
I just keep running into these little guys...

This was today... this afternoon --
(Yeah, I know I don't have a jacket on in this vid... there's actually a good reason -- so hold onto the flames... ).

Doe on Southers - YouTube
Those deer run batshit crazy like kangaroo's at dusk!

You can try Sho Roo whistles, apparently they work for kangaroo's -the jury is out as the actual effectiveness of them


I had them on an old car back when i was driving cross country every second week for work
-I never had any roo's jump in front of that car,
other car's I have been in have collected a few over the years
Those deer run batshit crazy like kangaroo's at dusk!

You can try Sho Roo whistles, apparently they work for kangaroo's -the jury is out as the actual effectiveness of them


I had them on an old car back when i was driving cross country every second week for work
-I never had any roo's jump in front of that car,
other car's I have been in have collected a few over the years

Unfortunately those don't do much for the deer. My company's fleet of big rigs had those on every truck for as long as I could remember and we still had tons of deer taking out our trucks.

Sent from the second bathroom stall to the left.
So he could flex for the ladies. :D

Actually, it *was* for a lady, but not quite for that reason --

Long story short... I was basically around the corner from where I live, at the house of another friend that rides. Girlfriend was dropped off (his). She needed a lift somewhere. He had a spare helmet, not a spare jacket, so I offered mine to be chivalrous. 10 minutes later, he called, wasn't going to be back for a while... I headed back home... He dropped off my jacket later on...

I'm a BIG believer in ATGATT... however, sh!t happens...

P.S. Don't know if you can see in this vid, but that bike went from 40-something to 20-something in about two seconds. I've posted a number of vids where I've needed to brake *hard*. I've heard complaints about 6R brakes being a bit mushy, however, while I *do* intend to put in steel lines sooner or later, I have *zero* complaints about the brakes, and holding a line when you *do* brake hard, with the stock equipment, on this bike... No ABS notwithstanding...
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Actually, it *was* for a lady, but not quite for that reason --

Long story short... I was basically around the corner from where I live, at the house of another friend that rides. Girlfriend was dropped off (his). She needed a lift somewhere. He had a spare helmet, not a spare jacket, so I offered mine to be chivalrous. 10 minutes later, he called, wasn't going to be back for a while... I headed back home... He dropped off my jacket later on...

I'm a BIG believer in ATGATT... however, sh!t happens

So nice to see chivalry isn't dead :canada:
Come on hunting season!!!! Strangely though, come opener... they mysteriously seem to disappear. What up with that? :D
top 10

There are a lot of reasons i am so thankful to live in California. Now i have just added another. Odds of hitting a large wild animal, about 1 in 5 million. Even our animals know to stay off the freeways :)
most the ones I have seen are not old enough to hunt.... just packs of fawns... all along the road

We have some pretty nice ones running around town here...

Snagged this pic last year. This is actually someones yard, their house was just to the left. 3 real nice bucks. This one stopped to show me his *** for a picture haha. Only had my cell on me.

even worse.... have been seeing them out like crazy.... yesterday, noticed someone had taken one out....

this morning on my way in, there were about 10 buzzards, as soon as they heard me, they started flying across the road, had I not been paying attention, probably would have had a collision....

Those turkey buzzards are ugly bastards. And, the bigger ones don't give ground. We had a fresh roadkill -- good size doe -- around the corner, on the side of the road... Within three days (and I have no idea why they left it there so long) all you could see were the ribs... picked clean. In fact, I think I have it on a video -- if I can find it, I'll post it. You can see about a dozen of those butt-ugly things picking at it.

We're beginning to get more and more reports of bears as well... A couple of neighborhoods now have warnings when you enter them, about feeding those critters. Big Canoe, and a couple of others. Around here, we're infested with coyotes as well. My neighborhood is bringing in trappers -- too many cats and small dogs disappearing...

mmmm venison
