Great article on Countersteering. Keith Code

I guess like a lot of other folks I learned to ride by borrowing a mates bike & falling off enough times to work out it hurt. And, the way to go round a corner was to lean.

So, when I got the FZ6 after a break in biking of 20 odd years I simply reverted to what I knew; you lean into corners. Then I read an article on counter steering on this forum or a link from it, since then I have countered steered (or tried too).

Simply put, what we are familiar with, is typically easy & a hard habit to break. Having practiced counter steering for several thousand miles now & knowing how efficient it is, I often find myself halfway round a bend 'leaning' for all I'm worth.

Counter steering still feels unnatural to me, I have to work at it. However, out for a ride yesterday (awarded myself a 'POETS Day' - Piss Off Early Tomorrows Saturday) a nice sunny afternoon turned nasty & started raining. I was about 30 miles from home & decided to get back quick. Again, halfway round a bend I realised the full benefit of Counter steering. I was doing 70mph on quite a tight bend, rain lashing down & the bike was still virtually upright.

Whislt the physics may require a masters degree to understand, the practicalities don't. If you counter steer, the bike remains more upright through corners, ergo; you can carry more speed; have more grip; have more positive control.

Don't believe me? Try it! :Sport:
