Driving in fog conditions


New Member
Two nights ago I was riding back home from work @ 11:40 pm on I-83 from MD to PA and 90% of the trip the weather was nice and clear when all of the sudden a thick, dendense coat of fog covered the road. I could not see anything at all and quickly reduced my speed and turned on my turn signal trying to be more visible. My helmet visor was covered in humidity and fog and I had to lift it. Then it was my eyes getting all wet. Lucky for me I was near my exit and was able to pull off the highway and go slow the remaining way home. Thank God traffic was not heavy but still couple of cars got fairly close before being able to see me.
Any related experiences and/or tips for driving in fog conditions on the highway ??
We get a lot of fog in our area. A couple tips; hold a safe speed,by that I mean do not slow down quickly and precede with caution. If the face shield fogs up a quick turn of the head a little to one side will blow the water so you can see. Ride safe!
It sucks on a bike because people see basically just the one light and think its a car farther up...
My helmet visor was covered in humidity and fog and I had to lift it. Then it was my eyes getting all wet.

You did it right. Slow down, watch your 6, get home safe. If your face gets wet, your face gets wet. You get to ride again tomorrow! That's the important thing.


i hit fog all the time. its not the best condition to ride in, but do not be scared off by it. as long as you ride with with a little common sense everything will be fine.

+1 on turning head side/side or up/down to help water sheet off the visor.

hold a constant speed if possible. try to stay on the same side of the lane so that the driver behind you can easily find you back if they loose sight of you.

basically like riding in the rain, just usually a little colder.
