Back tire slipping


New Member
Keep in mind that I'm still a novice rider and positive that I don't ride with such the greatest techniques. As the title says my back tire has been tending to float out on me in the turns. Guessing it might be the way I ride, or could it be the type of roads I ride on (back roads in the country) maybe possibly my tire itself...
Any ideas guys? Willing to learn from the guru's lol
Tire pressure is at 28 pounds...seems low. It is a Dunlop Sportmax, came on the bike when I bought it
Here is a pic of the tire let me know if you need anymore


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Spec for the rear tire is 36lbs! You're WAAAYYYY under-spec, dude... pump it up!

I'll bet that tire is heating up like Atlanta asphalt in August... Slightly lower pressure (1 or 2 PSI below spec), will give you a little extra traction (and a little less turn-in speed), however, that low will cause overheating of the tire, and traction begins to disappear...
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Texas roads get a tad warm lol and your right on the tire pressure it is way low. Definitely acting like a rookie on this one lol
No it's bone stock, can't say it has always done this but did it enough to make me stand it up some in a corner the other day
Sometimes I have noticed that too but it seems to me that it happens when I lean on roads that have been sloppily fixed with that liquid tar to cover up the cracks in the road.. Just a theory of mine that could be totally wrong though

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Thanks for the help guys! Just gave her a shot of air and off to take it for a spin. I will be back to let y'all know how it feels
Love those tar snakes... they're rampant down here... slick as oil when they get wet in the cold weather... slicker than oil when they soften in the sun... Worse than wet leaves...

*Very* motorcycle unfriendly...
Just got back from my ride. Felt a lot better! There is a funky corner on this one route to my favorite turn I love to ride, took it with less throttle and felt like a charm. Thanks for all the help guys
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I'll be sure to keep a eye on it more often, luckily where I live I'm able to ride year round. Thanks again for all the info guy, still learning the tricks of the trades
