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  1. S

    downshifting rev matching

    If you're accelerating upon release try feathering the clutch a little more. It's worked wonders for me using the clutch as a genuine control and not an on-off switch like my manual camry. Slower release on the clutch will help until you get the rpm range right.
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    downshifting rev matching

    Hot damn! I tried this technique on the way in to work today and it is extremely smooth. Thanks again.
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    downshifting rev matching

    Impact are we to release the clutch with every gear using that method?
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    downshifting rev matching

    I blip the throttle while applying front brake. It's easier to practice downshift rev matching without applying steady front brake. By that I mean both brakes to slow down, release front brake, apply clutch, downshift, blip throttle and release clutch. I got used to it and now I downshift...
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    Just joined the uncool kids club

    So far I've put in 1,400 miles since I have learned to ride and I can't imagine riding without my gear now. Yea at times it can feel a little stuffy when sitting still but that's not a problem cause I try not to sit for long anyway. I get compliments all the time on my gear so it's a little...
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    First 2hr trip on the bike there & back

    Couldn't sustain 80 the entire trip and I'm really conservative with the throttle at all speeds. In the tuck it just made rolling on the throttle easy at times. Honestly, easy enough I had to back out a few times to stay out of the mid 90's. Oh and that was all highway.
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    Upright/tuck & helmet buffeting w/passenger

    After putting a few hundred miles on the highway yesterday I'm investing in a longer windshield 6'3" here and it feels like I'm not getting enough coverage with stock. I don't ride two up. so I can't speak to that but Bell Vortex keeps my dome pretty solid unless I get too loose in the neck then...
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    First 2hr trip on the bike there & back

    First 314 mile round trip is in the bag. I was not prepared for riding on the open highway. I don't think there's anything you can do to prepare for it. For the most part my body feels good. Butt got a little sore on the way out there but didn't on the way home. No problems at all with my wrist...
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    Slowing down before a turn

    Rev-match downshift to 2nd doesn't require a lot of room but I start braking and signal early to indicate my intent to make the move. As for keeping up with traffic the FZ6R is quicker then everything I've been on the road with so far. I don't go smoking soccer moms or farmers but you should...
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    New member

    Welcome aboard! I'm new member here as well, lol.
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    How to practice sudden stops at high speed?

    I just recently took the MSF and they state that "you" as a rider need to practice threshold braking on "your" bike. The threshold will not change regardless of travel speed. There is not and will not be a course on how to quickly stop on your on personal bike. You need to know your machine and...
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    How much did you pay for your FZ6R?

    2009 Yamaha Blue with 5952 miles for $2,500.
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    New member welcome thread

    After owning the FZ6R for 2 months now I'm finally riding. Absolutely love the bike and getting used to how she rides. I'm in love, lol.
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    adjusting tps

    Impact gun was the best investment I made in my tools. Couldn't imagine working without it now.
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    Reflective wheel strips.....

    All good bro. I love being straight up and your response was in no way offensive. I got no misconceptions about the idiots on the road. I come from a street racing background laying rubber on Chicago's roads in excess of 130mph. I'm accustomed to noticing danger and potential threats at all...
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    Reflective wheel strips.....

    So is this a fashion statement or will it really improve saftey at night? I'm interested in anything that will marginally add to my safety but I'm really not into blowing money on stupid stuff.
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    Just joined the uncool kids club

    Woot woot! ordered the Airglide 4 pant to complete my gear from head to toe.
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    Central Illinois newb looking to learn

    She is oficially ready to take on the road. Oil changed, coolant flushed, new tires and adjusted all the controls for my 6'3" frame.
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    Venom Headlift and Spool Lift w/ T-Rex Spool Adapters

    So to get to the point I'm impressed with how well the system works and the stability of the bike once lifted in place. I did purchase the T-Rex FZ6R Spool Adapters for use with the Venom Spool Lift. No need to really speak on the T-Rex adapters as they are pretty much straight forward. The...
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    Tire balance stand

    Anybody have experience with the Motion Pro Axis Stand?
