Recent content by madmike

  1. M

    If you haven't heard....

    Just hearing bout this now. Get well lady!!!
  2. M

    If you sell your FZ6R, this is how much music video it buys you...

    Sorry I haven't been here in ages, just been slammed between work and getting this album done. Our official music video just released...the one for which I sold the Red Dragon to fund. The full album will be available for free download at 10:00 AM, September 18th. If anyone who digs metal...
  3. M

    I OFFICIALLY!!! have a bike now!

    'Bout friggin time. Go enjoy that thing, don't post for a week, just ride.
  4. M

    Nude Photoshoot-*drool*

    ^See, you're post whoring across all sorts of social media, even when you don't know it. ;)
  5. M

    Nude Photoshoot-*drool*

    Was checking out some of these on FB. Awesome pics.
  6. M

    Concealed Carry

    See my earlier comment about small of the back carry. In and of itself it is risky. On a bike, you're begging for a broken back if you ever go down. Move that sucker to the hip, or just behind it.
  7. M

    Concealed Carry

    :D It IS called the Super Tuck after all. Glad I could be of service.
  8. M

    Concealed Carry

    Consider moving it from the small of your back more towards the hip. SOB carry has one very large disadvantage. If you fall on your back, the large metal lump there can easily break your spine. Riding a motorcycle, if you go down, you will end up on your back. Just a thought, worth considering.
  9. M

    Concealed Carry

    I'm just pointing out what virtually every tactical trainer on the planet will tell you about ankle carry. Ankle carry is only suitable when you have no other good option. I'd argue there are still much better options on a bike.
  10. M was my turn

    Glad you're OK, that looks painful.
  11. M

    Concealed Carry

    Your crossbreed is tuckable. It is designed to tuck the shirt over the firearm and into the holster. Are you wearing it that way, or just wearing a short loosely over it, and over the jeans/pants themselves? If your shirt is tucked in, you should be fine even if the jacket rides up. See...
  12. M

    Concealed Carry

    Ankle holster is one of the worst carry options available. If you are ever in a scuffle, your opponent has easier access to your firearm than you do. It's the most difficult holster to draw from. Tons of literature available on it. Just lettin you know.
  13. M

    Concealed Carry

    Not a good idea. 1) Slow to get to it, defeats the purpose of carrying for the most part, and if you have to get off your bike in a hurry or dump it (crazy cager trying to kill you), you are now completely seperated from your weapon. 2) You should never put a Glock in a bag unless it is...
  14. M

    Concealed Carry

    That crossbreed really should be your best option. How exactly is it not working for you while riding? I would recco against a shoulder holster. 1) in a shoulder holster, if it is rear facing (horizontal carry) then you are always pointing a loaded weapon in an unsafe direction (at the...
